20140618_0000_GFS_082220.grb 20140618_0000_GFS_082220.grb
Size : 328.547 Kb
Type : grb

uk weather  midday 17-6-14 to 25-6-14

 The file at the top of this page will be updated every 7 days. 

It has data for 8 days ahead so you will always have an updated grib file before your current one runs out.

By default we only supply the weather for the UK however if any other areas are wanted let us know and we will get the file for you to include your place of interest.

As with the climatology plugin, instructions will be posted below but we will also set it up for you remotely, just give us a call when you have internet access on your toughbook and we will get it running for you, the process will only take a few moments.


Download the file at the bottom of the page and save it in My documents.

Open OpenCPN, click settings (the spanner icon) and click plugins.

You will see a plugin called GRIB, enable this, click apply and ok.

A new icon will appear at the top of the OpenCPN window, when you press this, you will have to tell the plugin where the grib data is stored.

Upon clicking the grib icon, a new window 'GRIB Display Control' will pop up, at the top you will see GRIB file directory and to the right will be a blue folder button.

Click that button, and point it to the file you have just downloaded from this page.

From there all you have to do is tick the boxes to choose which data you want displayed.


Upon updating this file, delete the previous file used to avoid confusion, and the name of the file will always be the date it was updated.